by JAC | May 21, 2020 | Acts of Hope, Linked Publication, Love and Loss, Publications, Uncategorized, Writing
For any other list-makers out there, I published this on HerStories yesterday.””In this time of quarantine, my lists are offering me space outside of the walls of my home, a way of making sense of chaos, a self-imposed structure on structure-less days, and...
by JAC | May 9, 2019 | Love and Loss, Mindfulness, Simplicity, Uncategorized
“In our deepest self we keep living with the illusion that we will always be the same.” Henri Nowen “It’s really very simple,” my late spiritual director, Gladys, once said to me. She was talking about how she lived each day, waking up,...
by JAC | Apr 25, 2019 | Diary, Poems, Seasons, Transformation, Uncategorized
“Anxiety turns us toward courage, because the other alternative is despair.” Paul Tillich I’ve claimed “seasonal affective disorder” for years, and that may be so, but I’m starting to realize it’s not only summer to fall that...
by JAC | Mar 26, 2019 | Simplicity, Transformation, Uncategorized
“God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination.” ― St. Augustine of Hippo Along with the decluttering reading and course I embarked upon earlier this year, and in part to understand the root of the...
by JAC | Feb 28, 2019 | Lent, Mindfulness, Simplicity, Transformation, Uncategorized
I keep thinking about writing here, and then for some reason I don’t. There is just such an overwhelming amount of words and thoughts out in the world and at our fingertips; I hesitate to add to it just for the sake of saying something or building a...
by JAC | Oct 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
When Audrey was a newborn, I’d wake up each morning, so surprised and excited that I had a baby, and that there she still was, beside me. I wondered, though, if one day, maybe months, or years from then, I would forget that she was new, and hadn’t been...