I can’t believe in July of 2008, you were answering these questions about our baby to be…and by July of 2010- you were dead. A friend who had helped ask you these questions (which were read as a surprise to me at the shower) just emailed this to me. More weeping for me…thanks Abbie- I guess.
1. What excites you most about becoming a dad?
2. What do you think will be Julia’s strengths as a mom?
3. What do you look forward to as a parent?
ok, kidding….
i look forward to seeing & learning the world through the baby’s eyes.
4. What will you be in charge of, task-wise? (ex: diapers, laundry?)
ok, kidding.
i will change the diapers as long as they are not cloth diapers.
5. What do you think will be your strengths as a dad?
6. What do you look forward to teaching Baby Cho?
7. If you could tell Baby Cho something right now, what would it be?
8. Do you think Baby Cho is a boy or a girl?
9. If you could dedicate a popular song to Baby Cho right now, what
would it be?
‘beautiful day’ by u2
‘born in the usa’ by springsteen?
10. Is there anything you’d like to tell Julia right now?