Why I Told Anne Lamott My Husband Died [Modern Loss]

Modern Loss published a short piece of mine today. I wrote it last spring about an experience a whole year before. Like many of my pieces, it began really with a question that the writing process helped me to address. I was frustrated and wondering why I still had to...

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Crossing the Date Line

Crossing the Date Line

“The reality of death has come upon us and a consciousness of the power of God has broken our complacency like a bullet in the side. A sense of the dramatic, of the tragic, of the infinite, has descended upon us, filling us with grief, but even above grief, wonder.”...

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If we had a keen vision and feeling of all ordinary human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow and the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of that roar which lies on the other side of silence. As it is, the quickest of us walk about well wadded with...

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  "This ordinary time is gifted in its quiet, marked passing Christ slips about calling and baptizing, sending and affirming, pouring his Spirit like water into broken cisterns, sealing cracks and filtering our senses, that we may savor the foolish simplicity of...

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Tireless Messenger

Tireless Messenger

To try to be brave is to be brave." George MacDonald Today we are outside on our driveway blowing bubbles. It's only May, and the leaves are freshly born and green, but already, now that they are here, they are foreboding of fall. I am safest in March, just before...

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Letting Go

Letting Go

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin Yesterday I was reading an excerpt from a new book by an old pastor of mine. He played an important role in both my life and Dan's. He baptized Dan...

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