
by | Aug 8, 2010 | 0 comments

I have this urge to make a museum of everything I have left…the things I have left from you.

Underneath one glass case would be all of the jewelry you bought me over the years. Not expensive, but pretty things you picked out with your artful eye.
Underneath another, all of the gifts that you bought Audrey since she was born…there are quite a few- some that we’d stashed away and haven’t given her yet. One outfit you recently brought back from Japan though, was too small- so we said we’d get to use it for the next baby.
Then there would be all of the vertical encasements that showcase your clothes, another would have your cello and keyboard and all of the notebooks full of music notes that you filled in so casually while on the bus or train.
If my home and heart become a museum, then where will I do the living?


August 8, 2010


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