Should’ve Could’ve Would’ve

One of the things that stuck with me from a few years of therapy and one of the first points my therapist drove home was the whole “would’ve should’ve could’ve” thing. That any time you’re using those words, you’re making a...

On Your Way Away

Thinking pathetic fallacy again- how on this day- the day you would’ve returned to me but will not- it’s so static looking outside. White sky with some grey. No Sun. The flag outside our building blows a little bit- in slow motion.Every time you left for...

Jo Julia

I chose that profile name because 1) Koreans place the last name first, and 2) “Cho” is actually pronounced “Jo” in Korean.Dan hated the English pronunciation of “Cho.” He said it sounded so “chinky.” He told me how...

More on Clothes

Clothes. So very ordinary and so very human. While sitting on the subway, I always used to stare at everyone’s shoes. Shoes on bankers and actors, on waitresses and hipsters, shoes on black people, white people, Mexicans, Chinese. People on subways always have...


This is what I read at your funeral Dan. I wasn’t even aware that a bunch of people were listening. It was and remains from me to you:dear daniel, I feel as though I’ve been watching you go away for a large part of our relationship- on buses and trains...