The Things People Do For Me

by | Aug 3, 2010 | 0 comments

Usually after someone hands me some food and takes my daughter to play- I come in and cry- because I can finally do so without Audrey here, but also because I am truly overwhelmed by God’s love to me through people. It is humbling.

So, I though I’d think about some of the ways people have shown me that love:
  • A good friend of Dan’s googled how to turn the ringer on Dan’s iphone on for me and it worked! He also volunteered to pay my rent for a month.
  • The woman who takes A. out on Tuesdays brings me food every time- good food.
  • My car got a flat tire and my dad came early yesterday to get it fixed.
  • A friend has managed to set up 10 free grief counseling sessions for me with a great counselor.
  • Audrey’s godmother swaps out new toys for Audrey every week from her own kids’ stuff. It gives me a few free moments while A. discovers what’s in the bag.
  • A close childhood friend tells while we chat that even when everyone else disappears, she’ll still be there.
  • I told a good friend that I like to give Audrey extra treats during this time- she bought me cookies at Whole Foods and said, “Just like you want to give Audrey treats- I want to give you treats.”
  • A friend of Dan’s chats with me about his current dating life and let’s me give him advice- it’s a fun distraction.
  • Another friend of Dan’s volunteers to drive me places or fix anything around the apartment.
  • My friend who flew out from california to be with me bought me new shampoo and conditioner at the drugstore because I’d been saying the all natural crap I use doesn’t make my hair feel clean at all. It makes a difference.
  • Friends who write me and tell me they are reading every one of my words on the blog and crying with me.
And these are just a few of the things that come to mind right now…there have been many more. I am lavished with love.
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3.1


August 3, 2010


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