I’ve read many times now that losing someone like this is not something you recover from or God forbid, “Get over.” How could you? This is not a trial in life that you pass through and look back on. A loss is quite different from a trial. It’s not just something you can learn from and then move on. What you have lost is not replaceable in some way. There is no formula to understand it, “Oh maybe this happened so that this could happen.” No, no, no, that is way too simple. I think that’s what always bothered me about Job- how he loses everything he has and fairly questions God, but in the end- wait, he gets a whole new family- so everything’s OK. Um…no.
December 17, 2014- A New Blog
It has been almost a year and a half since I last wrote on this blog. In my mind, this blog was complete. And yet, there was a lack of finality to it. Grief has no finality, though it does have evolution and change, while this blog does have finality simply because...
The image that I liked (I was widowed suddenly at 29) was of Michaelangelo's David. The block of marble from which it was carved was intended for something else, and had been badly gouged. So badly it was thought to be unusuable. Michaelangelo carved the David at an odd angle and in a shape to accommodate the wound, making it part of the final creation. It's not a fix, but a reshaping.
I'm now in my 50s and remarried. But I still grieve my first husband.